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Dietary & Health

Health things

VIDEOS on the web
Learn how big industry has lied to you during the past century, adversely affecting your health.

The oiling of America [

Nourishing Traditions

Vitamin K2 in the form MK-7 [https://spingolaspeaks.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/2013-01-11-spingola.mp3]

Sally Fallon On Why You Shouldn't Be A Vegetarian  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S5lEd2OsWA]

Why We Need To Eat Fat To Lose Fat [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJz3Wwu-uAk]

Eat More Fat? -- Amazing Results [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2xhlIIueZY]

A Life Saving Diet - The Ketogenic Diet [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T0DKUWq_gQ]

The men who made us fat  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6nGlLUBkOQ

The men who made us thin [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-_LoAm_etU
Curcumin and the research on it.

Aggarwal interview with Albrecht [
http://media.katherinealbrecht.com/archives/1105/20110530_Mon_Albrecht2.mp3 ]

Professor Bharat B Aggarwal discusses Curcumin [
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zht2Q5D0RdY ]

OP 27 - Bharat B. Aggarwal (this is fast paced and very technical) [
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnnm15CHRi8 ]

MD Anderson research hospital [
http://faculty.mdanderson.org/Bharat_Aggarwal/ ]

Curcumin!  Heard of it?  You should. 

Death Begins in the Gut


Dr. Brownstein Iodine Lecture - Video
Iodine Insufficiency and Cancer - Video

Iodine Deficiency and Its Link to Diseases in the Body
Iodine Deficiency - An Old Epidemic Is Back
The History of Medicine In The US
When was Iodine discovered?
12 Uses For Iodine
All About Iodine

Do some research and you will find much more

This particular combination of iodine and iodide (potassium iodine), is readily absorbed by your entire body.
Anyone undertaking iodine treatment should make certain the formula contains the correct ratio of iodine to iodide.
The thyroid gland utilizes iodide. The breasts, the prostate gland, and the skin concentrate iodine. Other parts of the body may use either iodine or iodide.

Where to get a good iodine and iodide mix
and here

Where to get Dr. Brownstein's Iodine Set- 'Why You Need It' Book & Iodoral

Swedish Bitters
Nutmeg, Wormwood, Angelica Root, Theriac, Rhubarb Root, Myrrh, Zedoary,
Purified Infuscial Ground Earth, Gentian Root, Alumina Red Clay, Carline Thistle Root,
Mace, Champhor Powder, Raiz de Tormentila, Senna Leaves and Saffron Powder.

History and How To Use Swedish Bitters
How to make your own "super powered" Swedish Bitters
Where to get Swedish Bitters, powder or liquid


Dr Joel Wallach diabetes reversal in 14 days or less.

Wallach's podcats site is http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast/deadDoctors/pcast.php

Wallach's archives are at http://gcnlive.com/JW1D/index.php/archivespage?showCode=9 , in the middle of the page just below the top menus is a heading older archives.  navigate that section to hear older programs.

Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycemia - just ask any health food store owner or N.D.!  The facts associated with chromium and diabetes was published in the Federation Proceeding by Walter Mertz (the director of the U.S.D.A. field services).

Here is the ultimate case of a whole specialty of medicine being wiped out by universal chromium supplementation but kept secret and away from the public for economic reasons!!!  Additionally the University of Vancouver, BC, Canada stated that "Vanadium will replace insulin for adult onset diabetics"!

Iodine can also be of some help (see the above info on iodine).

Do You Trust Your M.D.?  Why?
Is Your Doctor Qualified to Treat You?

In order to answer that honestly you should know a little about how his job came to be.

Do you know what M.D. means?  The medical industry will tell you it is Latin for “Medicinae Doctor”, meaning "Teacher of Medicine".  But the evidence is it really means More Drugs.

The medicine your M.D. practices are only 100 years old.  Prior to that time a doctor actually worked to heal the body.  Starting about 100 years ago doctors clamored to push drugs rather than healing.

In the 1st decade of the 1900’s John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie hired a man named Abraham Flexner to travel the country RATING doctors and hospitals.  Keep in mind this was a private endeavor, there was nothing “official” or “scientific” about it.

Mr. Flexner produced “The Flexner Report” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexner_Report], which is a book-length study of medical education in the United States and Canada, published in 1910 under the aegis of the Carnegie Foundation.  Many aspects of the present-day American medical profession stem from the Flexner Report and its aftermath.

Keep in mind that both Rockefeller and Carnegie had stakes or interest or ownership in the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry.  Therefore, naturally you can understand when you know that Flexner’s interviews and rating of doctors and hospitals was centered around those doctors’ use of DRUGS.  Once the report was published more doctors and hospitals wanted to be on the list, after all it as a published list. [http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/flexner-report-rockefeller-ama-takeover/]

That is the beginning of your doctor’s industry and training.  The More Drugs they push the better their status, not to mention wealth, because by some mechanism or method they receive a benefit from the sale of drugs.

Prior to Flexner and Rockefeller and Carnegie, doctors and hospitals used time honored natural remedies and often treated the whole body, not only the symptom.  This even included diet (“diet” being what you eat and not what you are on).  They often had small bottles of oils, colloidals, roots and the like things from nature, much of what had been used for over 6,000 years.

Can and do M.D.’s have a purpose?  Yes.  If you are involved in an accident and need a bone set or splinted or your guts carefully put back in place or you NEED an antibacterial drug because you will not survive waiting for some tree bark to take effect, then YES someone with the skills and knowledge of that nature is desireable.  An M.D. can even be useful for making a diagnosis, although in recent years I have known of many M.D.’s making wrong diagnosis’ and thereby prescribing wrong drugs.

Doctoring should not be centered on, or steered by, an industry pushing drugs.  You should let food be your medicine and medicine be your food [Hippocrates].

The cost of medicine in the uSA is directly influenced by these guy.

Dietary health things from Billy Goat Mountain

find this on the "Spices" page.

No health claims are intended.  Whatever experience you have with this is your claim.

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